Ancestors of Peter Flake Schnebly


33554432. Rudolfus von Lunkhofen

[2667] Rudolph von Lunchunft, (de Lunchunft), a knight in 1163.The de Lunchunfts were an expanding feudal house,and minor nobility. The name came from a castle (now gone) in the town of Lunkhofen, about 7 miles SW of the city of Zurich. Two neighboring towns, Ober- and Unter-Lunkhofen, still exist. The first knight was Lord Rudolph von Lunchunft of Aargau, who moved to Zurich. Their castle was on top of a hill, on the right bank of the Reuss River near Bremgarten, 10 miles W of Zurich. It was first recorded in 694, as belonging to a Priest named Wichardus. Now a ruin, it was built in the form of a trapezium,and was probably destroyed in the Battle of Sempach in 1386.